Role Playing Card Game / by Allison James

This is a role-playing game that only requires a standard deck of cards.

Diamonds = money
Hearts = health
Clubs = attack
Spades = stamina

Shuffle the deck and deal 7 cards to each player. Reshuffle if any player does not have at least one Hearts card (proven by revealing their hand). Determine a starting player.

On your turn:

  1. Pick up a new card

  2. Spend money to pick up more cards (see below)

  3. Spend stamina to attack as many times as you like (see below)

Buying cards:

Discard a diamonds/Money card to purchase the following number of cards:

  • 2-10 Diamonds: one card

  • J/Q/K Diamonds: two cards

  • Ace of Diamonds: three cards

Diamond cards used this way should be removed from the game permanently.


Discard a spades/Stamina card to do the following:

  • 2-10 Spades: one card

  • J/Q/K Spades: two cards

  • Ace of Spades: three cards

Attacker then spends that number of clubs/Attack cards to attack for damage depending on the face value: 1 damage for Ace of Clubs, 11 for Jack, 12 for Queen, 13 for King, and face value for numbers.

The defending player discards a number of cards to either evade or run from that damage:

  • Stamina (spades) cards go towards them running from the attack

  • Attack (clubs) cards go towards them countering

  • Health (hearts) cards go towards them taking damage

Same 1-13 values as detailed for the attack power.

Both players discard all cards they played in this encounter. If the defender has no Health (hearts) cards remaining, or cannot discard the cards necessary, they are dead and out of the battle.

Completing a round

After every player has had a turn, a special round occurs. Each player may optionally put down a Diamonds card face down. Once anyone that chooses to do this has done so, they all reveal simultaneously. The highest numeric value (in order, 2 to 10, then J Q K and Ace high) then gets an extra turn right now. All diamonds in this round should be discarded normally (not removed from the game permanently).

After they have had their bonus turn, or immediately if nobody opts to play any diamond cards, shuffle the deck and deal one extra card to each player still alive.

Play now reverses, with the person who last had a normal turn going again.

Repeat until only one person is left alive.