Joke Book 2021 by Allison James

January 24th

What's one better than a B9 tumour?
A B10 tumour.

February 10th

What do you call a Spanish runner with gender dysphoria?
Trans Iberian Express.

February 13th

What do you call a 19 year old that smokes?
A nicoteen.

February 15th

If you don't milk a joke too much, it becomes legend-dairy.

If you milk a visual joke too much, it goes pasteurise a lot.

What do you call a secret society of cows?

Cowpats are bullshit.

February 20th
If you ever accidentally google "dry hump" rather than “dry humour”, don't frot - just fix the typo.

March 4th

Did you hear about the dad that knew where Conakry was, but refused to boast about it?
Papa knew Guinea, but Papa don't preach.

Where in Australia do snakes have the most sex?

March 6th

What does an inuit use instead of cement?
Igloo stick.

March 8th

What do you get if the back of your boat gets damaged?
A stern warning.

Why do ships travel sideways in online games?
Because of all the port forwarding.

March 14th

Why did the shark get grounded?
He didn't do his household jaws.

Why did the golfer end up in Sharia court?
He stole from the qadi.

March 19th

Why are your parents' siblings cool?
Because they aunt uncle.

March 26th
Pharmacist: “How should I prepare your condom?”
Frog: “Ribbit.”
Pharmacist: “Very well.”

March 28th

What colour are Filipino envelopes?

March 31st

How do you make a database?
Filter Tinder to “alkali only”.

What’s green and yellow and slippery when angry?
Bruce Bananner.

April 2nd

How do you get a horse to whinny?
Make it fasty.

It amazes me Manchester has an entire football team dedicated to only having one player named Edward.

April 11th

“Yosemite Sam” is a forward way of greeting a Jewish person called Sam.

April 15th

What’s the difference between stubble and a bunny if they’re both under your nose?
One is a moustache, the other’s facial hare.

April 25th

I had a spam advert once that disrupted my radio.
Turns out hot signals were in my area.

April 28th

How do you make a hyperlink?
Get Zelda to give him sugar.

April 29th

Did you hear about the one man’s pig that could do chemistry?
It was Neil’s Boar.

May 10th

How do you make a gear jam?
Crush it into a paste and put it in a jar.

May 11th

What do you call two scalping penguins?
A pair of flippers.

May 13th

If you get married on Christmas Day, then you yuletied the knot.

May 16th

What do you call a cockerel airborne in Louisville?
Kentucky Flied Chicken.

May 23rd

What did the egg say to the banana?
”Give me a hand, I’m in a pickle.”

May 25th

What are the chances of getting injured in high-intensity ball sports?
It’s Jai Alai-kely.

May 26th

Volumetric burgers are incomplete without lattice.

May 28th

Luke Skywalker: “This sink isn’t producing water.”
Obi-Wan Kenobi: “Use the faucet, Luke.”

May 29th
Where does an egg keep its photos?
In an album-en.

How do you serve a skater 360 flips?
On a tré.

June 1st

What’s the worst thing about being clarified butter?
Telling your parents you’re ghee.

What do you call Peter Banning and Fagin having sex with men and women?
Bi hook and bi crook.

June 2nd

What do eskimos do in igloo toilets?

What do you get if you cross egg, sugar, and monkey?

What do you call a cockblock in Japanese?
A hen tie.

What do you call all cockerels besides the alpha male?
Beta clucks.

Why are bees the best Blockbuster customers?
Beekind rewind.

Why did the butterfly hold up the roof?
It was born as a cater pillar.

June 3rd

What do you call a window installed on top of a dog?
A sunwoof.

June 6th

How do you make popcorn chicken smoother?
Kernel sanders.

How do you terrify a panda?

June 8th

What do you call two boats moving at the same speed?

June 9th

Why are pandemics like people with a surfing fetish?
They both come in waves.

June 19th

A cable store got robbed today, completely cleared of its entire inventory.
Police say there are no leads

June 20th

How do you advertise a film about the Outback?
With an Aus-trailer.

June 26th

Did you hear about the time that the parents of a can of Ambrosia fought to become its guardian?
The mum got custardy.

June 27th

Today's forecast: there will be rain showers++, storms++ and strong winds++ across the country. Be aware of this increment weather.

June 30th

If the top 50% of uni students end up with degrees, then they can call them degrees centre-grade.

July 1st

There is speculation over which of Spandau Ballet's songs they will open their performance with.
The rumours are True.

July 12th

Why is it illegal to put your arm above your head?
Because if you do it, you're under a wrist.

July 14th

Are you heaven as constructed by beavers? Because god dam.

July 20th

Driving lessons: the only time you can win and still take the L.

July 25th

I had a joke about beating Red Rum in the 2021 Grand National, but I don’t want to beat a dead horse.

July 26th

I find that jokes about difficult pregnancies are hard to conceive.

August 5th

Say what you will about pillar-shaped calculators, you can always count on their support.

August 6th

Did you hear about the guy that threw two kegs of Oxo into a Scottish lake?
It was loch, stock and two soaking barrels.

I wouldn't buy a game about trucks unless it had a good trailer.

August 12th

If you watch a sad film on loop, then the spinning of the DVD creates perpetual emotion.

August 23rd

What's the difference between Satan's hard drive and Dracula's?
Satan has 666 gigs left on his, Dracula has a terror bite.

August 24th

I was going to release a clock as my autobiography, but I’m not ready to yet.
I'm still binding my time.

A priest, a rabbi, and a lawyer walk into a bar. The lawyer says "Hi priest and rabbi, I don’t know why you're following me into my exam."

Where’s the best place to eat if your group can’t agree?

August 29th

Why do arcane women wear Rolexes?
Witch wristwatches are Swiss wristwatches.

September 2nd

What do you call a cow that plays basketball?
Kobe beef.

September 8th

Did you hear about the wasp that won the Tour de France?
It got a yellow jacket.

What do you call a bee with an arse where its nuts should be?
A bum ball bee.

Joke Book 2020 by Allison James

This is a compilation of jokes I wrote in Discord. They are not necessarily very good, fair warned.

January 5th

There are two types of bands in this world:
1. The kind that can count
3. The Traveling Wilburys.

January 14th

Teacher: give me a sentence containing "deficiency".
Kid: "all the animals are in their right places - the birds airborne, the elephants on land, and deficiency."

January 24th

What was Sheldon’s catchphrase in Chinese Big Bang Theory?

March 5th

Do you want to hear a really tasteless joke?

March 10th

Osmosis Jones flopped at the box office because he just doesn't permeate with a wider audience.

March 29th

I thought Timothy Dalton was in-spire-ing in Hot Fuzz.

April 8th

"I just bought one of those New York Yankees hats with their logo on, you know the one right?"
"Idk I just thought it looked nice"

If I ever come up with a swollen prostate joke, urine trouble.

April 21st

Iron Oxide is good in FeO-ry.

April 30th

Why did the Scotsman’s key get wet?
Because he put it in a loch.

May 3rd

Why is it fatal to step down from a dead dog’s poop?
Because you're shuffling off your mortal coil.

May 8th

Two helium atoms walk into a bar.
Bartender: "He He"
Helium: "Don't laugh, this isn't a joke."

Which is better at setting fire to things, helium or oxygen?
Helium, it's a little lighter.

May 9th

To this day, I can’t tell the difference between blackberry and blackcurrant.
It’s an issue that’s berry/currant to me.

May 11th

Filepath horrors really give you slashbacks.

What's the most important thing about an excellent lettuce's website?
The top-level romaine.

Did you hear about the three sun gods that were caught praising each other?
Knees-bent arms-stretched Ra, Ra, Ra.

May 12th

What’s the difference between Stormzy and Elon Musk?
One’s into grime, the other’s into Grimes.

May 15th

I’m scared of picking bunnies up.
I find it hare-raising.

I want to move to a random village in Australia.
I’m gonna go for Broke.

May 18th

Where do you go to see Windows' fonts?
You go to C:\Windows\Fonts.

May 21st

What do you call the ghost of denatured alcohol?
A methylated spirit.

What's the difference between Rude Santa and Derek Acorah?
One censors presents, the other senses presences.

May 26th

How do you make a dead weight?
Kill a gram.

What's the difference between your future husband and your future mother in law?
One's a wed date, the other's a dead weight.

June 7th

Did you hear the joke about the overcooked mutton?
Well done ewe

June 12th

You know the puff of vapour when a rocket blasts off?
Is the result of that settling soar dust?

What do you call half a graveyard?
A semi-tary.

June 14th

What does it take to come up with a Japanese cartoon?

June 15th

Did you hear about the time that George Michael and Andrew Ridgeley sat on a Native American man's head?
They were a wig Wham!

June 17th

Did you hear about the alcoholic detective?
It never took him long to find tequila.

June 18th

If Dr Jekyll started following the teachings of Guru Nanak, then his story could be called Hyde and Sikh.

June 21st

I went into a church once, and all they had in the windows was a drinking receptacle with song titles on like “It's Been A While” and “Mudshovel”, and the vicar was on the phone, super angry.
Then I heard the other end just say "sorry sir thought you ordered Staind glass"

A pig, a football player and someone best described as scum walk into a bar and order drinks, sitting down with them. A curious drunkard stumbles to the party.
"What's in your drink, pig?"
"And what's in yours, footballer?"
"…and in yours?"

Did you hear about the explosion at the cheese factory in the capital of Moldova?
The surrounding area is Chisinau.

June 29th

What do you call a curry that blends into its surroundings?
Korma chameleon.

July 9th

What’s the difference between two thieves, and Ikea’s linear display of living rooms?
One’s just a pair of nickers, the other’s the whole lounge array.

July 10th

If a war veteran has PTSD about all the bad food, is that caused by bad memories of bad MREs?

Or if it was less serious, maybe they were just MRE-bored.

July 16th

How good is sex education in New Zealand?
About a Sex Ed-er ten.

July 27th

I always wanted to try brown sugar in supermarket samples sections, but I find that demo rarer than white sugar equivalents.

I was going to make a joke about queueing up for the alcohol bowl at a party, but I can't work out the punch line.

July 28th

Eve: "Which of the Chrises must celebrate Christmas?"
Adam: "Chris must, Eve."
Eve: "Chris must, eh?"

I made up a joke about having wrinkles in your mid 20s once, but it got old fast.

Chris: "Whose flowers did you use for the bouquet in the end, mine or my mother's?"
Florist: reads the notes "Chris and the mum's."
Chris: "aww I wanted the lisianthus"

If life gives you lemons, convert to Judaism - then instead, it'll give you l'chaims.

August 3rd

Did you hear about the woman that gave birth to a gear stick?
She was adept at manual labour.

If I categorised my jokes based on how much I liked them, I’d put that last one into neutral.

What do you call Jeff Bezos with a bunch of iron filings attached to his face?
A business magnet.

I actually find old videogame computers really attractive, especially when they're turned on.
I guess you could say I have an electromagnetic Spectrum.

Who’s the best British comedian for esoteric jokes?
Niche Kumar.

Girl on date: “Can you see where I parked my car, Dave?”
Boy on date: “Sec. C, bay B.”
Girl on date: “No need for the objectification.”

Why did Luke Skywalker fill his ship's petrol tank with rodents?
He figured force x mouse = acceleration.

August 6th

Why did Slash's car gain height?
Because the Axl rose.

August 11th

What did Frodo get after he died?
A Hobbituary.

August 12th

Why aren't rugs shiny?
Because of all the mat paint on them.

August 13th

Why did the noodles worship the Egyptian sun god?
Because they were Ra men.

August 14th

How do you ban Fleetwood Mac from Spotify using only bitcoin?
No idea, I’ve never managed to figure out how Block Chain works.

August 16th

Why does it hurt to breathe while building a PC?
Because of all the coarse air.

August 18th

Where do Windows .exes go to find love?

August 19th

What do you call a row of iron cats?
A Fe-line.

What do you call a fear of the dead?

August 23rd

What do you call Debbie, Kim, Joni and Kathy sitting on Mjolnir?
Sister Sledgehammer.

August 24th

If I am plotting to hurt somebody using a drawing pin... is that my plan of a tack?

I once demanded my doctor give me screaming pills. He gave me the silent treatment.

I wonder if in French, they call “420” “80”.

August 25th

Why did the chant to make someone taller fail?
The composition didn't include "allegro"

Every time I touch Sacha Baron Cohen I swell up.
I have an Ali-G.

August 28th

Why did the penguin get voted off Britain's Got Talent?
He left a bad emperoression.

September 1st

Horses are the ultimate neighsayers.

September 6th

Does the founder of Microsoft protect his paper money in an area locked off with bill gates?

Socks are really selfish.
Give them an inch and they take a foot.

Did you hear about the dog that produced magazines with every woof?
She was barking Mad.

September 7th

Why did the waitress kick the duck in the face?
He asked her to foot the bill.

September 8th

What's the difference between an Australian and a Scottish person?
One really likes a Barbie, the other likes tae Ken.

September 11th

Why did Grace Jones decide to make her epilator turn on in time with a music beat?
So she could shave to the rhythm.

If you get paid to levitate automobiles, is that you making a car air out of it?

Rumour has it, when Jesus was crucified, they actually used screws, not nails.
He got the hole whirled in his hands.

The sight of a pair of baby cows drilling confused me until I remembered that two calves make a hole.

September 13th

How do you make a motherboard?
Get her to read a really long really dry book.

September 16th

Why are relationships between Wall Street traders so short?
Because they have sell/buy dates.

September 17th

What do you call a disease transmitted by Swedish money?

I asked my agent to enter me into any race, I didn't mind which, and they said the only one available was a 24 hour long one.
Oh well, when life gives you Le Mans…

September 18th

Popeye was going to be translated to every language in Europe until they ran into trouble with Spinach.

September 23rd

“Yest! Yist! Yost!” I proclaimed. I have a yeast inflection.

October 13th

What's a hexidecimal's favourite soup?

October 20th

In New Zealand, do they call umbrellas “witness protection”?

October 23rd

I was going to make a joke about a herb and a fish walking into a bar, but there’s a thyme and a plaice.

What's the opposite of URL?
I am heaven.

Why is rabbit pregnancy so scary?
Because the aftermath is Hare Raising.

December 3rd

Every Christmas I ask my father to touch Link's fairy assistant.
"Feel his Navi, Dad."

December 4th

What did one skeleton photographer say to the other?
I've got a bone to pic with you

December 5th

Why did the McDonalds enthusiast assassinate Abe Lincoln?
So they could gettysburger.

December 24th

Which The Simpsons character is the best at fishing?
Rod Flounders.

Why aren’t professional fishers celibate?
They had to master bait.

In which game does a rich, diverse roster of Christmas-based characters fight each other?
Super Smash Bros Mele Kalikimaka.

December 30th

If you let off the world’s biggest air horn in the middle of Rome, would it cause anybody harm?
Deafen Italy.

The Ballad of Billy Buzz by Allison James

Billy Buzz the Bumblebee was a great bee. Unfortunately, Jake Aroma hated Billy. Jake Aroma didn't like how Billy, a lovely yellow bee, could "bee-pee" onto flowers to help them grow, while Jake, an adult human simply painted yellow to resemble a bee, could not. As a result, and too bashful to simply ask how it was done, Jake Aroma killed Billy.To circumvent some of the suspicion laid on him, Jake formed a blog online, in which a virtual statue of Billy would be erected. Lots of people viewed this blog, but Jake had a trick up his sleeve.

He would leave his computer for a while, going off to the snooker hall he lived near for a few rounds. While picking up one of the snooker implements to pot with - although not the spider as he was an arachnophobiac - and he'd wait.Because eventually, someone would do it. Someone on Planet Earth would do the dance. The deadly dance of death that triggered the digital bomb residing within the virtual statue of Billy. It would infect anyone viewing the webpage, through fishy subliminal messages, with an illness that slightly inhibited their ability to walk.But nobody ever did. Dare you do it?

To summarise:

A bee's seedy e-effigy hates shy Jake A (yellow men no pee.)Cue or rest. He who've heedHobble you. Heck, sway and see.

The Knowledge Box by Allison James

It was a warm, humid day in the middle of August when, of suspicious yet unknown circumstances, a middle-aged man in good health dropped dead in his apartment in central London. Nobody witnessed the event and there was nothing to suggest a murder had taken place. Police were unable to pinpoint any living relatives. Furthermore, the man only had one known friend.

That friend was me…

As I drove to Bert’s apartment, I speculated upon the cause of his death. It certainly wasn’t an ordinary domestic death; the authorities had made it perfectly clear over the phone that there were no physical marks on him and I ruled out anything chemical, such as an overdose, as I knew he wouldn’t have it in him to go through with that. He was reclusive, but not unhappy, and certainly not suicidal.

I parked my car in the last remaining space. A number of ambulances and police cars occupied those not taken by other residents of the apartment block. As I climbed out of my vehicle the rays emitted from the distant sun nearly lacerated my skin with their blistering heat. After quickly working my way into the correct apartment block and navigating my way up two flights of stairs, I was immediately able to identify where Bert lived by the fact that it was cordoned off by the authorities. Having been invited by them, I took out my passport to identify myself and was allowed to cross the tape.

An unusual atmosphere plagued the flat, though I couldn’t tell what. I’d been there many times before, during which it had never changed. Visually there was little difference – an assortment of clothes, magazines, litter and other unneeded items strewn across the floor, walls coated with damaged posters given away from magazines from decades ago, and furniture in dire need of cleaning and/or complete replacement (as was with the sofa) - but the scent of cheap deodorant and cigarette smoke that once lingered in the stuffy apartment seemed somehow overshadowed by… something else.

Bert lay in his bed as if nearly asleep. He had definitely passed, though – for one, there was an absence of loud, hearty snoring, which would be present if he was sleeping. The bedsheets were nearly as dirty as the sofa. What intrigued me was a small, matte-black cube beside the corpse. It was no more than a couple of centimetres per side. Circular holes were found in each of its faces, as if the shape of a sphere had been carved out from the inside. Intriguingly, there was a central sphere that seemed completely suspended. The police must have passed it off as a pointless little trinket, but I’d never seen anything like it before. And it wasn’t in Bert’s nature to possess anything of genuine interest. As I looked at it inquisitively, I became aware that the eyes of a police officer behind me were burrowing into the back of my skull. With a hint of melancholy in my facial expression I turned to face him. “Erm… excuse me. Can I please take this?” I asked, pointing to the mysterious cube. As he nodded affirmatively, I took it with my right hand and slipped it into the pocket of my jeans.

The policeman met my eyes. I could tell he had detected the eeriness of the atmosphere too. “Have anything you could contribute to the reason for this death?” he asked me, in a fairly deep tone. It took me by surprise. For a policeman he was fairly short. I was expecting  a higher pitch to his voice. Nevertheless, I recounted the musings from my drive here before being permitted to leave. Bert had never been a best friend as such. We spent many nights together, drinking and watching films, but, in all honesty, his death didn’t trigger any particular upset.

I returned to my car with plans to stop off at the nearest drive-through for an easy meal, then go back to my house for relaxation. It was getting fairly late – around 5pm (I’d forgotten to put my watch on and the clock in Bert’s house had stopped). On the journey, I resumed my thoughts on how his death could’ve come to pass. Without particularly thinking about it, my thoughts caused me to start talking to myself. The shock of my life occurred when I asked myself “How could Bert have died?”.

I got a response. It sounded like it was coming from inside my mind. It certainly wasn’t my subconscious – its voice differed immensely from mine. I had been told my voice had a tender, medium pitch to it (I didn’t know personally since I despised listening to myself). No. This voice was deep, booming and deadly serious. “He asked me the wrong question.” Confused and in a mild state of shock, I found myself a layby to pull up in. Wondering if it was insanity, confusion or my subconscious taking on a mind of its own and an accent to match, I queried out loud “Wh-who or what exactly are you?”. A few seconds passed with a deadly silence.

The same voice then uttered, “I’m the Knowledge Box.” My bewilderment was then averted by the awareness a newfound warmth that had found its way into my pocket. Moving my fingers down to touch the source, I became aware that it was emanating from that bizarre black cube I’d picked up from the apartment. I took it out and held it to the light between my middle finger and thumb, noticing that the suspended sphere in the centre of the cube was red. As I stared at it in disbelief, I noticed the sphere slowly fade to black; this was accompanied by the cube’s return to its original temperature.I decided to drive home before further investigating what the self-named “Knowledge Box” was. Having lost my appetite from the consternation, I was able to cut a few miles off my drive. This was inherently a good thing; my entire body was shaking, my vision was slightly blurred and my brain was working at a decimated capacity. I placed the black cube carefully in the glove compartment and brought the car to life with a quarter-twist of the ignition-holstered key.

Arriving at my house in a state of shock just as strong as when the little cube first “spoke”, I took the Knowledge Box into the palm of my hand, locked up my car and ran inside, shutting the door behind me and closing its latch to ensure privacy. Feeling a twinge of excitement flow through my body (as much as the Knowledge Box worried me I was about to solve a curiosity that, in the last half an hour, had completely enthralled me despite the shock), I set the cube down on my dining table and sat on the nearby seat. I crossed my arms and legs and gazed at the object. After a few minutes of staring I decided to start with my interrogation.

“So… what are you exactly?” I asked, in my head partially wondering why exactly I was talking to a cube. A momentary, familiar silence followed for a few seconds, then once again the low voice from earlier piped up.

“I’m the Knowledge Box.” The inner sphere once again changed to a fiery red colour. I presumed its warmth had also returned. To prevent damage to the table top I slid a coaster underneath the cube.“So give me a detailed explanation of what exactly you do.” My gaze remained unbroken with the object. However, after several seconds I realised it wasn’t replying. The sphere was once again black. Wondering if perhaps it only responded to questions I reworded my statement.

“So… what exactly is your purpose? Can I have a history of what you are and how you came to be?” A few seconds passed. Then something strange happened. The sphere turned blue. I tapped its side. Its touch was akin to a block of ice. Then the voice piped up once again.

“I’m the Knowledge Box. I was created in Ancient Greece in 295BC by the least intelligent being alive at the time. I am the result of a pure accident.” The cube paused. It seemed to be comprehending something. The sphere changed from blue to red. “I know absolutely everything. The past…” (blue again) “…the present…” (red) “…and the future.” With this final word the suspended ball switched to the most beautiful shade of yellow. It felt neither warm nor cold. Infact, it felt like it didn’t even exist. Finally, it changed back to red to add a footnote “…to an accuracy of 100%.”

Sorry? Had I misheard? How could it know the future so perfectly? Surely I could ask it something I was going to do, then simply do the opposite to its response? I felt the need to test the cube’s authenticity. I noticed my mobile phone residing a little further along the table. I had a real liking for this phone. It was a bright red flip phone, with a minuscule screen on its cover and the buttons and screen tucked inside it. It was fairly worn - I’d had it several years - but since I didn’t need to text or phone people much and I had another device for doing anything else portably, not to mention all the memories and general nostalgia connected to this one, I had never upgraded it. I brought the phone to a few centimetres to the left of the cube, pointed at it, and prepared my test.

“Okay, Knowledge Box, in the next minute am I going to turn this phone off?” That beautiful yellow once again appeared on the surface of the cube’s inner sphere, giving me a feeling of serenity. I was eagerly awaiting the cube’s response, when, without a flicker of warning…Something unexpected happened. Something loud. Something violent. The phone exploded. I was hit by part of the casing, causing a cut on my brow. A chunk of the table, newly blackened by the blast radius, spread itself around my dining room floor. The Knowledge Box rolled over a couple of times from the force the explosion exerted. As I leant back in my chair with renewed stupefaction, the cube, in its monotonic voice and without an ounce of remorse, simply uttered “No.”

It was time for me to head to bed.


I woke up in a cold sweat. An unpleasant dream had occupied my mind throughout the night, though I was hazy on the details now - I never could remember dreams. Stepping out of bed and still in a partially dazed state, I stomped across the room in pursuit of the shower. The sweat, amongst other things, made me feel rather unhygienic.

As the water shot down on me I remembered the presence of the small cube still undoubtedly sitting on my table. I would still be mourning the loss of my old mobile if the way it had died hadn’t been so mesmerising. I hooked the shower head back into its holder, wrapped a towel around myself to prevent people walking past my house ending up in hospital with eye wounds, and sat back at my dining table, surveying both the cube and the damage it caused. I so desperately wanted to ask it another question, but with a twinge of pessimism, feared it might result in my death, searing pain or related general hindrance. Then, however, I remembered the questions I’d asked before. No ill effect had been noticed with any of those. So why did…

I paused. The words the Knowledge Box had uttered yesterday replayed in my mind. “…and the future …to an accuracy of 100%.” To be certain on knowing the future it would have to have some kind of effect on happenings to ensure it was 100%. It wouldn’t have known if I’d decided to turn my phone off or not, so it eradicated the defenceless little device, making turning it off entirely impossible. The thought of the damage such a tiny cube could do was mind-blowing. But I couldn’t use it to my advantage in case the Knowledge Box chose a disadvantageous solution. If I asked it if I would win the lottery, for all I know it could kill me off!

It was getting on 11am. My drowsiness had worn off, so I decided to do what any guy would do in my situation. Get drunk. There was a pub 200 miles north of my house. Walkable distance, though certain parts, including a tricky blind spot in the road, were potentially problematic on the stumble home. I slipped on a T-shirt and the closest pair of trousers and headed off.

The pub was fairly densely packed with soon-to-be fellow drunkards. That unique smell of the combination of alcohol and sweat (fairly similar to how Bert’s flat used to be) lingered in the air. As I ordered my first pint and prepared to nestle my chin into the palms of my hands and ponder, I noticed a fairly pretty woman sitting on the stool to the left of mine had beaten me to it. With a shimmering of human kindness that definitely wasn’t just a preliminary attempt to get into her underwear, I placed my hand on her right shoulder.

“Hey, what’s wrong?” I asked, with a look of concern. She brought her head up, and her eyes met mine. I could tell she had been crying due to a mascara-stained tear perched on the top of her cheek. It took her a few seconds to reply, during which I retained my look and readied my mental list of cheer-up lines for easy access to the one most fitting.

“M… my brother died yesterday.” Her reply was fairly slow and contained a couple of stammers. I could tell she was close to bursting into tears again. As I looked to her with sympathy, I realised who she was. I didn’t want to let on, however, so I played dumb.

“Oh… I’m sorry to hear that.” I looked away for a second or so; it felt a lot like I was staring. I then returned my head to ask her the question I already knew the answer to. “Who was he?”

Her reply confirmed the definite. “I don’t expect you to have known him… he was fairly reclusive. His name was Bert Starr.” She hesitated and looked to me. Instead of publicising how big a coincidence it was, I let the girl continue. “We don’t know how he died… but it’s horrible. He was only in his 20s and in perfect h… health.” With the final word she began to break down again. I wrapped my arms around her, feeling a level of empathy I really hadn’t before experienced.

“Come on, I live a couple of hundred yards down the road.” I responded, with the sole intention of cheering her up. “You don’t want to be crying in a stuffy place like this.” She nodded, hopping off her stool and wiping her tears away with one of her blouse sleeves. A black streak spread its way across the white fabric in doing so. We walked out of the publican, slaloming around the other customers, with her arm traipsed across my shoulders. I could tell she’d already had a few drinks – though she wasn’t completely off her mind, she was walking awkwardly and, without me there as a balance, I’d expect she’d fall over fairly promptly.


As we approached my front door I slipped my hand shakily into my pocket, taking a grasp on my front door key and withdrawing it. Gaining entry to the flat, I guided the girl to my sofa, on which she laid down and fairly quickly fell asleep, accompanied by loud snoring. I threw the key haphazardly onto the coffee table fronting the sofa, where it slid for a foot or so before friction took its toll.

At that point, I was fairly lonely. My only source of conversation for a while had been a girl whose problems had dominated our last conference – she was more than out of action. I didn’t want to leave the flat either, because of something loosely comprising feelings of security and ruefulness. Then, a brainwave occurred. I made my way to the dining table, still bearing the scars of a previous encounter with the object of my current desire, and clasped between slightly shaky fingers the Knowledge Box. Sitting down to try to calm myself a little from what could well be another disastrous session with such a seemingly innocuous object, I prepared my words.

“Can you converse with people?” I asked it, wondering if it should be considered weird I was talking to a piece of plastic barely larger than a die.

A few seconds passed, to which a familiar red glow was discharged from the cube, and a steely deep voice replied “Yes.” Well, when you’re lonely, you can’t be picky.

“So…” I began formulating my next words with relative care. “When were you created?”

The blue glow returned to the central sphere of the Knowledge Box as its voice answered my query. “I was never created. I have always been.”

Thoughts. Feelings. Curiosities. All of these swept across my brain. Had I located God or something? Surely not, the box wasn’t free to make its own decisions. It was a tool. With the right questions it could achieve anything, but it always needed someone in control. In command. I could feel my heartbeat racing; my mind was filling to the core with potential questions. Some stupid. Some potentially life changing. But I had to start somewhere so I decided to quench a curiosity which had been with me ever since the destruction of my mobile phone. “Knowledge Box… when you alter things based on questions, like with my phone, how do you actually destroy it?” Red seeped through the invisible pores of the Knowledge Box’s core.

“I do nothing.” A pause followed, leading me to believe the device had just tried to avoid such a question. But before I could retort, it continued. “A power bestowed upon me before time itself ensures that I am always correct.” Though the box carried no visible emotion, I could visualise a very smug face slapped across its chassis right now. “For certain things to be correct, ie questions about the future, things have to change to maintain that guarantee.”

A temptation arose to ask how such changes occurred, but I predicted the answer to be something beyond my comprehension skills. So instead, I went leftfield. A tiny iota nestled inside me wanted to outsmart this know-it-all item.

“So… will you ever die, or break?” I couldn’t help but smile – given its logic, such an answer could only result in its self-destruction.


So there was no way of getting rid of it. Superb. My leftfield swerve had just led me into another pointless field. I spent a minute or two eyeing up the Knowledge Box, an item that looked to be made out of inexpensive plastic. An item that had been around forever and would be around forever. But the thought of immortality triggered something inside me. I had a question for the Box… could others be immortal? I would ask about myself, but being immortal was far from appealing. Then, a selfish thought crossed my mind – how about the girl currently laying on my sofa? Surely one little question about her wouldn’t be of any harm, and she was too inebriated/asleep to realise. I took a deep breath in preparation, then asked my question.“

Okay, Knowledge Box… will the girl currently in my house, on my sofa, ever be immortal?”As the stunning golden glow once again protruded from the device, I realised a newfound silence had dawned upon my flat. There was no snoring coming from the girl. A deep, powerful feeling of regret caught my heart as I rushed in, only to discover my fears were confirmed. She was dead. Tears of anger, remorse and downright upset slid gracelessly down my unshaven cheeks as I ran towards the Box.


The Knowledge Box’s calm demeanour was fully intact as it issued its reply. “I only know the future by changing what’s current. Death is an irreversible process; I don’t know if that girl would ever have been immortal so only one solution existed to ensure I was right.” Another emotion joined the crowd quickly gathering inside me – disgust. But it was expectable. The cube resting on my dining table didn’t have feelings. It just had every single piece of knowledge in existence and enough artificial intelligence to talk about it. But I should have known. I’d let my guard down when I already knew from past experience what the Knowledge Box could do. And now a girl was dead. A girl grieving for her dead brother. Both had been killed by the Knowledge Box. God knows how many other corpses were a direct result of this foul little piece of equipment.The guilt was too much. Tears continued streaming down my face, as I slowly and knowingly picked up the Box, ready to ask it one more question.


It was a cold, rainy day at the end of August when, of suspicious yet unknown circumstances, an early-20s-aged man in good health dropped dead in his apartment in central London, along with the sister of a middle-aged man who had also died a couple of weeks prior. Nobody witnessed the event and there was nothing to suggest a murder had taken place. Police were unable to pinpoint any living relatives.

I was his closest friend. I’d gone to college with him.As I entered the flat, an odd feeling crept into me. I walked past the first body, one I had no relation to. I made my way to the dining room, which was where Sam lay. I knelt beside him, bringing his hand into mine as I felt sad. He’d not had the healthiest of regimes, sure. But he was in good health. It was then I noticed he was clasping onto something. I carefully prised it from his hand and began examining it. I noticed the pair of policemen take a look at the item but show little interest. But it had tickled my curiosity.“

Erm… excuse me,” I directed inquisitively to the policemen. “Can I please take this?”