Ink Cipher / by Allison James


Decode the cipher in Ink Cipher!

Ink Cipher is a sleek take on the puzzle sometimes known as the "cipher crossword", "codeword" or "codebreaker".

You're presented with a grid filled with words... except all the letters have been replaced by numbers. Each number represents its own letter. Using your knowledge of the English lexicon, fill in the letters where you can recognise words and crack the cipher!

Free edition includes 11 puzzles. Paid edition includes over 100 puzzles and counting.

Game is touch friendly (requires no keyboard input, although it is optional in the free version), intuitive to play for anyone, and contains a help screen on how to play.


System: Windows
Price: £0.99
Music: Joel Steudler
Fonts: Gotham



“Really rather good crossword puzzler. 104 crosswords taking an average of 5 minutes to solve = 9+ hours of fun for a dollar. Totally worth it!“ -pb
