750 Free PC Games / by Allison James

Hello all, I have a favour to ask.I'm compiling a list of 750 freeware games for Windows systems and I would like as many suggestions as you're willing to give. I'd like to keep my reasoning hushed for now, but let it be known that anybody that helps won't go unnoticed. You'll be credited for your contribution if all goes as planned.

Please see this Google document for the list I have so far. http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=ddg6wwzm_0fd889dhg You may suggest games already shown there as it'll reinforce their inclusion.If you want to help out, please leave a list in a comment below. Games should be separated with a line break and no other separators, with the names cased/spaced as their creators do so. Games starting with "The" should have that word put at the end separated with a comma (eg The Game becomes Game, The).

On another note, SohoPogoHo is now complete. You can play it on Game Jolt or YYG. I will likely be taking a break from solo game making - I've a couple of duo projects on the go. Otherwise, I've lost the desire to make games myself. It'll come back one day I'm sure, but for now I'm done.

Last thing: a friend have almost finished writing the third instalment to her unpublished book series Jocasta Lizzbeth Moonshadow, and is contemplating changing its subtitle. Its current one is "The Secrets Were Spilling at the Seams" but she is thinking of shortening it to "Secrets". If you have any opinions on the matter, please leave a comment on her journal here: http://rebeccaclaresmith.blogspot.com/

Anyway, that's it for now. See y'all next time. Please, please, please leave a comment with as many freeware PC games as you know!