Following on from The Chase Bingo and Pointless Bingo, here are four new Quiz Show Bingo cards: Jeopardy, Only Connect, Family Fortunes, and Taskmaster.
Jeopardy Bingo
Only Connect Bingo
Family Fortunes Bingo
Taskmaster Bingo
Following on from The Chase Bingo and Pointless Bingo, here are four new Quiz Show Bingo cards: Jeopardy, Only Connect, Family Fortunes, and Taskmaster.
Jeopardy Bingo
Only Connect Bingo
Family Fortunes Bingo
Taskmaster Bingo
A rough history of various avatars I used in my online presence between 2007 and January 2020.
These date back to the YoYo Games “Sandbox”, various iterations of the GameMaker Community, Twitter, websites, and later on things like Discord.
Noteworthy inclusions are:
The first, third and eighth were, on websites that permitted it, animated GIFs. The first showed a person dancing for a while before noticing a gun pointed at his head which blew his face off. (I didn’t use this one for long surprisingly.) The third simply rotated, and was inspired by the N64 logo. And the eighth just pulsed colours.
The leftmost one on the fourth row is a little figurine I made myself out of modelling clay. They are called Gobbler. Gobbler was intended to be used in some form of claymation game before I realised how long that would take.
The six yellow N logos hold a surprising amount of significance. The first (with a visible star texture) was released about the same time as I released my font Vermin Vibes, and the N is set in that font - this was right as my hobby of font creation was transitioning into an actual earning thing. The fourth, the 80s inspired one, was released right as I had resigned from YoYo Games and was to celebrate a shiny new start. And the sixth, with the woman on it (she is from a game I have still yet to release) was active when I came out in 2018. Hence why the one right after says Allie JJ.
The last two are just my face.
This was a little bit of amusement for a friend, whose handle online is KniteBlargh.