10x2 by Allison James


This is an extremely simple arcade game made in a friendly competition between a few friends to make a game in 10 minutes.

None of us had finished, so the deadline was extended by another 10 minutes. I won by default, and my entry, 10, became 10x2.


System: Windows
Price: Free
Music: None
Fonts: Arial Black





FKR4 by Allison James


The rogue is the game, and you are the victim.

Didn't understand the first three FKR games? Good luck with this one. I've deliberately made it confusing, even bullying, in an attempt to think outside the Contest 4 box and, instead of featuring a rogue in the game, making the game the rogue.

So, yeah. If you really don't understand it, try FKR2 or 3. They may or may not guide you in the right direction.

For all you collectors, there's a trophy for getting to 150,000 points. It's possible, I've done it. Push H on the menu if you've achieved it to submit your details and get it.

FKR4 is unsuitable for people that suffer from or have a history of epilepsy. I cannot be held responsible for any negative effects, major or minor, occurred from playing this game. If in any doubt... don't play it. Simple.


System: Windows
Price: Free
Music: Subbass
Fonts: Mini-System



“Gosh, it's SO hard to determine whether I can love this for what it is or hate it for what it is. And that's largely the point.” - rotten_tater
”Has anyone seen my eyes lately? I can't seem to find them.” - WITS
”Weird, yet cool, yet hard, yet confusing, yet fun... O_O” - zackb
”Good god, NAL, good god…” - RedChu


4'33'' 2 by Allison James


A game inspired by John Cage's orchestral piece "4'33"". If you have not heard or understand this piece, please listen to it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hUJagb7hL0E

In 4'33"2, you are given four minutes and thirty-three seconds. In this time, the things you see, hear, think and do make up the game, regardless of what they are. As such, everybody will experience the game differently.

The game will automatically close once the time has elapsed - your scoring and other statistics are up to you.

This game is not a screamer, nor does it resort to any other gimmickry. The paragraph above explains the game in its entirety.


System: Windows
Price: Free
Music: All, some or none of it
Fonts: All, some or none of them



“Captures the atmosphere and the feel of the source material it is based on quite well.” - Dr Doctor
“ugh, it was good till my little brothers came in and started playing!” - veech


La Rolloux by Allison James


Spiritual sequel to 2007's "Cutting Run!", La Rolloux is an arcade platformer controlled entirely by mouse gestures in which you must jump, duck and shoot your way to survival as you roll uncontrollably into an obstacle course.


System: Windows
Price: Free
Music: Petriform
Fonts: ?



“Repetitive but fun and mildly addictive. A nice, polished game overall, well done.” - David Chen
”Nice implementation of achievements. Not a bad game either ;D” - TrueValhalla
”La awesome.” - Zack Banack
”This is really nice, it took me a long time to realize that the graphics were in 2.5D mode, VERY clever stuff there” - Brian Rodriguez


This Is A Game With A Stupid Graphical Gimmick by Allison James


…and that's all there is to it.

Very short game. Graphically similar to madnessMADNESSmadness.


System: Windows
Price: Free
Music: None
Fonts: ?



“This is an amazing concept” - Merrick the Kid
”I'm pretty sure the stupid gimmick ain't so stupid anymore” - Jacob Pickens
“Good game but the font is terrible.” - cactus


Rainbow Planet 2 by Allison James


Sequel to mid-2007's Rainbow Planet. Pretty shallow experience, but what the hey. Shoot the boxes before they hit you, going as quickly as possible to keep your score high.


System: Windows
Price: Free
Music: L’Homme Manete
Fonts: The Bends



“Most of the time, the patterns in the background felt like colored pencil strokes to me.” - rotten_tater
”Nice Graphical effects and nicely polished” - Amidos


madnessMADNESSmadness by Allison James


Escape the wall, in a bizarre, circular world where the path comes at you through 360 degrees and disappears underneath. Survive as long as you can. Includes online highscores. Made for Game Jolt Minimal Contest.


System: Windows
Price: Free
Music: Covox
Fonts: Will Robinson



“Very awesome game!” - IndieSyncDev
”OMG, this is cool.” - XHH
”Comparable to nothing, madnessMADNESSmadness is in a class of its own.” - TJackson


ExecutioNAL by Allison James


Made as a parody of 2Dcube's psychology-em-up game Execution, for a parody contest.

In ExecutioNAL, you have a decision to make. A certain, perfect living male is tied up. Will you shoot him, or will you hit escape? Whichever you decide, you get more than one decision. No "if you shoot, that's it".

Choose wisely or don't.


System: Windows
Price: Free
Music: None
Fonts: Cervo
Original IP: Jesse Venbrux



“That was not a smart plan for sure.” - YellowAfterlife


RKF by Allison James


RKF, or Rhythmic Kicking Firehead, is a shooter mixed with a rhythm game. You don't actually have to do anything in time with anything - the game automatically fires for you, and its firing sets off drum sounds. An ever-increasingly intense wall of black circle things comes towards you, which you must shoot to eradicate.

At the end, the number of verses multiplied by the number of circles you killed makes up your final score.


System: Windows
Price: Free
Music: Allison James
Fonts: Robust ICG



“The inclusion of rhythm in this game won me over. Maybe I'm easily pleased?” - KniteBlargh
”Great game, I die every time when you lose a lot of the beat.” - Reigalius
”Nice Game I dlove the music and the bullets acts like they are in harmony :)” - Amidos


PixHell by Allison James


Made in an hour. Short, difficult bullet hell. You're a pixel. Avoid the other pixels that stream out around the centre of the room en masse.


System: Windows
Price: Free
Music: TerraNation
Fonts: Allison James (Notalot35)



“Most fun I've had in a long time. Thanks.” - Reigalius
”all you do is dodge bullets” - The Afterlife Games


It Only Takes A Second by Allison James


Reach the exit before the bomb blasts off!


System: Windows
Price: Free
Music: Joel Steudler
Fonts: PixelSplitter, Radioland



“Made my head feel a bit like a ping-pong ball being whacked back and forth after a while, but overall, I enjoyed the challenge.” - KniteBlargh
”I really like this game.” - Zack Banack
”It's fun and challenging.” - BitZero


The Hilarity of Murder by Allison James


Made 100% in Game Maker Lite. You are terminally ill with a disease which kills you if you don't find things funny. As luck would have it, you find killing things funny, and there are some hostile enemies after your blood. See how long you can survive.


System: Windows
Price: Free
Music: TerraNation
Fonts: DIN Next



“This is an great game, it is just sad that it not have an lazer.” - NessXX
”Very nice game. Should definitely place in the competition.” - Zack Banack
“impressive graphics, but the bridges made it impossible to see stuff.” - Jan Willem Nijman


Head Candy by Allison James


The result of me playing with my newfound surface skills. Very sparkly game, very pleasant background music. Weird game, but whatcha gonna do? :D


System: Windows
Price: Free
Music: Ray Bolger
Fonts: Allison James (Smorgasbord) in updated build



“Nice Effects in graphics :)” - Amidos
”I loved the music!” - tembac
”the music does not fit” - roboguy


Innoquous 3 by Allison James


Innoquous 3 is a platform game in which you can use arrows scattered around levels to manipulate in which direction gravity is pointing. The game uses a smooth mechanic to rotate the view accordingly, making the game seem fluent.

There are 30 brand-new levels in the game, which can be played in one of three game modes - Standard (normal), Conditional (a certain objective must be completed for the level to be passed), and Fiery Floors (where some of the ground has been lethalised, increasing the difficulty). Once unlocked, levels can be returned to as many times as you like thanks to an easy to use level select mechanism.

On top of those, there are two speedrun modes. INQS 30 is a speedrun of all 30 of Innoquous 3's levels. INQS 60 is a speedrun of all three Innoquous games in one go. Fastest times are recorded for you when you save your progress, as well as numerous other statistics, some useful, others less so.

There are also ten trophies to collect for meeting certain game objectives, such as the 100% Completion award. These are displayed on a page in the menu.

The menu itself is designed to be easy to use and as little hassle as possible. Use left or right to switch between items, and click/hover over buttons to interact with them.


System: Windows
Price: Free
Music: Nathan Wills
Fonts: Interstate



“Awesome Game :)” - Amidos
”I like the crazy gravity behavior. Whoah!” - L4


Infidels by Allison James


3D third person arcade shooter set in a wrestling ring. It's 2071, a year when being Ginger is a religion. Anti-Gingers are trying to kill you by any means. It's up to you to fend them off. Includes online highscores and more effort than I've put into a complete game in a long time.

Created for the GameJolt Shocking competition (the link - you use electroguns as your weapon to shock the enemies).


System: Windows
Price: Free
Music: DBS Artcore
Fonts: Kimberley



“Yay for trippy NAL games!” - KniteBlargh
“I like the menu and story, but other then that the gameplay was rather boring.” - Jan Willem Nijman


MINDSCREW by Allison James



Help your native planet, BRAINLOVE, survive numerous waves of enemy attack. Enemies shoot you, fly into you, and even hurt your eyeballs to try to take you down. Still, a planet and blindness is better than no planet, right?


System: Windows
Price: Free
Music: Jankenpopp
Fonts: Accidental Presidency



“nice game, visuals are great. Really like the day/night concept” - Retsamuga
”Great idea. Trippy colors. I've had 3 seizures already.” - Aleksandr


Ne Touchez Pas 3 by Allison James


Ne Touchez Pas 3 is a large third games in the NTP series, in which you must mavigate your way through a series of levels increasing in difficulty (they start fairly easily but become very, very difficult as you progress). As well as being a sequel to NTP1/2, it's also a sequel to NAL's Jet Pod and Rockit. In the game, you can choose one of four ways to play - the Bird, the Jet Pod, Rockit, and a spaceman (let's call them NAL).

There are 50 levels in Ne Touchez Pas 3. I have thoroughly tested the game and modified aspects for certain characters to ensure that every level is possible with every character. The game allows you to play any level at any time, so you can skip levels if you get stuck or revisit them at will. It will also record levels you've completed and give you an overall percentage of completion (to give you an idea of the difficulty of the final levels, the highest recorded percentage achieved is 99%).


System: Windows
Price: Free
Music: Kevin MacLeod, Peacemaker, Steven Freedom
Fonts: Ambient



“One of your most successful projects. Minimalistic, well made, polished and enjoyable.” - scoz
”Great game that I spent a lot of time playing.” - brxtr
”You did a great job with this!” - KniteBlargh


FKR3 by Allison James


The psychedelic sequel to a psychedelic swing-em-up! You play as a virus (not a real one, don’t worry) who must fend off antiviruses with a cluster of orbiting trojans. Plenty of improvements all around. Two more enemies, raising the total to six, and the game progresses quicker so more people will see them. As you progress, the game’s tint changes colour, from white to black to maroon to navy blue and ending on a weird mess of colours. I also learnt a new item for the game – writing with a font made from a sprite.


System: Windows
Price: Free
Music: Tendamix, The Prodigital
Fonts: Florencesans



Everyone thought FKR2 was better


Innoquous 2 by Allison James


Big gravity-switching platformer action. Once again, hit an arrow and your gravity will be redirected. However, this time, there are hazards that will directly kill you instead of just falling off the level. So Innoquous 2 isn’t very innocuous any more. Maybe this one should have been Noquous…

Features new music by two excellent artists (and no latino any more) and 18 levels, none recycled from Innoquous!


System: Windows
Price: Free
Music: Mick WiIson’s Bloo Noise & Peacemaker
Fonts: ITC Avant Garde

